Language & Literacy

Og's Story Time

Creative Arts & Expression


Thumbs Up! Play Activities

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Og® the Bookworm represents caring and literacy, and is the perfect Primrose Friend to bring your child's school experience to your home. Over the next few weeks, we will provide specially designed interactive activities for children and parents as we navigate at-home learning together. If you have questions or comments on this site, click here

Caring for Myself and the World

The theme this week is Caring for Myself and the World. Children learn how to care for themselves and also begin exploring how to reach out and care about the world as they explore the concept of conserving and reusing nature's resources. 

Previous Week

Og® the Bookworm represents caring and literacy, and is the perfect Primrose Friend to bring your child's school experience to your home. Over the next few weeks, we will provide specially designed interactive activities for children and parents as we navigate at-home learning together. If you have questions or comments on this site, click here

Next Week

Taking Care of My Body (3 Years+)

Discuss the importance of taking good care of our bodies to stay healthy and strong. Sing the song together! 

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Bottle Shakers (All ages)

Using recycled plastic water bottles and nature items, invite your child to create a bottle shaker. After your child finishes adding items, seal the water bottle with heavy tape. Create multiple bottles and encourage your child to observe and note the differences in sounds each bottle makes. Are some sounds high? Low? Soft? Loud? Why do you think the sounds are different?  

Paper Product Recycling (3 years+)

Use items such as scraps of green construction paper, wrapping paper, and any discarded clean paper. Discuss the importance of protecting the Earth by recycling and reusing materials to make new things instead of throwing them in the trash can. Your child may cut paper into various shapes and glue them on a full sheet of construction paper to create a beautiful piece of artwork with recyclables. Give the masterpiece a title. 

Billy's Playlist (All ages)

Billy the Duck created a playlist of his favorite songs! Click here to sing along!

Family Stories (All ages)

Explore family photos or make a family photo book for your child (print or recreate some photos with crayons or markers and make into a booklet). Tell stories together about your family members. Talk about what you notice about the family in the story. 

Sight, Smell, Feel (All ages)

Encourage your child to notice the items in a specific room in your home. What items feel soft? What items smell nice? Write down their words and ask them to draw a picture. Try a different room in the house next time! Collect their stories throughout the week and make into a book at the end of the week. For younger children, you can tell a story about what they see in each room. 

Caring for Our Earth (3 years+)

Write a story together with your child about ways you care for the Earth such as recycling, reusing, or conserving (using only the resources you need). You may also write a story in which a character is polluting the Earth and all the problems that caused. Discuss how the characters are, or are not, demonstrating conservation. Talk about why it is important to protect our Earth and conserve natural resources.

Nature's Alphabet (3 years+)

When outdoors, help your child find “letters” in nature. For example, bent twigs, branches, or leaves often form shapes resembling letters (or several twigs could be arranged into letter shapes). Or you may also name some of the natural items you find outdoors and emphasize the beginning letter. Or play “I Spy”. 

Our Family Pond (All ages)

Fill a shallow container with one-half inch of water. Add toy fish or animals to the water. Encourage your child to move the fish/toys around the pond to swim. 

Upcycled Milk Carton Bird Feeder 

(3 years+)

Create a fun, eco-friendly haven for feathered friends by working together on this simple feeder. 

Caring for My Body (3 years+)

Encourage your child to use the activity sheet provided to draw ways that they take care of their bodies. Some examples are washing their hands, brushing their teeth and hair, eating healthy foods, and drinking water. 

Where Is It? (All ages)

Fill a box with paper leaf cutouts or recycled paper scraps. Mix in small toys so they are hidden in the leaves. Encourage your child to explore the leaves and find the small toys. While interacting with your child, ask guiding questions such as: Before looking at the toy, can you guess what it is? What clues helped you determine what it is? 

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Peek-a-Boo (All ages)

Lay your child on the floor or on another surface that is comfortable. Cover your face with your hands. As you place your hands on your face ask, Where is (your child’s name)? Remove your hands and say, Peek-a-boo! Hold your child’s arms and move them so their hands cover their eyes. Ask, Where is (your child’s name)? 

Balance on a Line Beam (3 years+)

Make a line on the floor with easy to remove masking tape. Demonstrate how to place a small stuffed animal on your head and walk throughout the room. Then invite your child to try walking forward and backward with the stuffed animal on their head. Next, your child may walk along the tape line (forward, backward, and sideways). 

Mia's Workout Video (All ages)

 Need to stretch? Mia the Mouse has made a short workout video to help get the wiggles out!

Fresh Fruitsicles (All ages)

Try this homemade version of a classic summer snack! These fruitsicles are so delicious, your child won't even notice that they're also super healthy. 

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Banana Cake Pops (All ages)

Your kids will love this healthy take on a trendy treat! This simple recipe makes for the perfect healthy snack or dessert when dipped in chocolate and covered with toppings. 

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Counting Colors (All ages)

Select three different colored objects and invite your child to find small materials that match those colors. You may use household items such as socks, toys or manipulatives. Support your child in counting the items they found.

Petal Power (3 years+)

Encourage your child to take photos of all the flowers they see on your next outdoor walk and then write down how many petals are on each flower. Can they draw each petal? How many flower petals in all? 

Og's Reading List (All ages)

Og is compiling his favorite books and activities! 

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Og's Poem (All ages)

Hop Little Rabbit with Og 

Circle Time

Pledge of Allegiance (All ages)

Circle Time is how all Primrose students start their day. Continue this tradition at home to create a sense of routine and familiarity while offering the ability to connect with a Primrose friend as Percy recites the Pledge of Allegiance. 

#PaperPercyChallenge (All ages)

Each week we’ll give you and your child a new challenge to accomplish with your very own Paper Percy. It's spring and we're beginning to see signs of the season like snow melting, trees budding, and flowers blooming. This week, while outside with your child, take photos of signs of spring and include Paper Percy. Share your photos by tagging @PrimroseSchools on Instagram.

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